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Guided Exhibition Tour by Cristina Stolhe and Andrés Izquierdo at La Carpintería & Puig Des Molins Necropolis

November 16 2024
12:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Guided Exhibition Tour by Cristina Stolhe and Andrés Izquierdo at La Carpintería & Puig Des Molins Necropolis

For the final weekend of their exhibition “6” at La Carpintería in Can Bufí, photographer Cristina Stolhe and ceramicist Andrés Izquierdo are hosting guided tours of their work on both Saturday November 16 and Sunday November 17, 2024 at midday. Co-created during a summer residency hosted by La Fundación Ses Dotze Naus, the show explores Ibiza through a mix of bold sculptures and strong imagery, and this weekend offers a unique chance to meet both artists and hear about their processes.

Saturday’s event takes place in the foundation’s art space La Carpintería, while on Sunday, guests are invited to meet at the Puig Des Molins Necropolis in Ibiza town for the workshop and a guided tour with Izquierdo. Prior booking is essential.


November 16 2024
12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Event Category:


La Carpintería
Carrer Riu Arno, 58
Eivissa, Islas Baleares 07800 Spain
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